Date: 24/10/2016
First, we did a warm-up. Then, the teacher separated us in groups of three people. Each group had to be in someone part of the circuit in that the group did an determined activity of strength. This was going to be hard! It had to do four sessions in each activity. Each one with 20 seconds to perform de activity and 10 seconds to rest. To me and to two more parents had to do first sit-ups with a medicinal ball. Then we had to jump above a bench and to get off it as quickly as possible. Then we had to throw a medicine ball as hard as possible against the ground. In third place, we did a training stairs. After, we had to throw a medicinal ball against the wall as high as possible. Then we had to skip. In sixth place, we did crunches. And finally we had to do a push-up, wake up, jump and repeat.
This video explains what is tabata:
The first two sessions weren't very difficult for me, but the others two were a hell... When we finished the class, I feel pain all over my body... I was very tired and I think my parents was it, too. The next day, when I woke up, I couldn't to move.
Apart from fatigue and stiffness, I found a good form of training. Although it's very hard. But that's good for a good workout. I think we have worked well and hard, so this class has been pretty good.