miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Skip rope

Date: 14/11/2016

               JUMP ROPE


 Monday's morning, we have practice jump rope. First, we have warm up jumping rope and then the teacher taught us a different types of jump. Like a double under, cross-jump or one foot jump. And finally we have played some games very funnies.



At the end of the class I was exhausted. The skip rope made me tired. I felt hopeless😡, beacause I tried to do some jumps and I wasn't able to perform the jumps well. But, if I go straight on working and endeavoring me, I will get to do these jumps well💪. I need to pay attention with the teacher's explanations to perfect the jumps.

This class was funny and entertaining😄. Although it was very exhausting😵. I hope to do the jumps well for the next class and learn more jumps.😁

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